Which social media platform is best for your company? Clients often tell me they find it difficult to decide. Golden rule: don’t just do what everybody else does. Find out …
How to make killer headlines. Easy Peasy.
Want to make sure people read beyond the first line of your message? Make sure you have a killer headline that grabs people’s attention. And that’s easy peasy. Just follow …
How to stand out in the crowd – Part 2
Easy peasy branding Passionate about something? Why not use that in your branding?! You are probably not the only copywriter, coach, therapist, facilitator, yoga instructor etc. So you have to …
Treat your clients like royalty – not only during the party
Treat your clients like royalty Prepping, party and the aftermath Who doesn’t like a good party?! Whether it’s small, big, with family or friends. The memory of a good …
Lefty loosy, righty tighty
Lefty loosy, righty tighty. A routine for your business communication is good. It helps you to get in a flow, get things done. But it shouldn’t become something you do …
The perfect headline is to the point
Want people to start reading your post? Make sure your header is not only an attention grabber but also to the point! As long as it is not the title …
New in town – First, create a buzz!
Just started your business? Don’t focus all your energy on your digital business card aka your website when you’re new in town. Much more important for your brand is creating …
How storytelling can boost your sale
Tell a story A story? Don’t people just want to know the details of my product or service? Like price, start date, the tons of free extra’s they get, material …
Procrastinating? Eat the muffin one bite at the time
Procrastinating when it comes down to your business communication? Because you just don’t know where and how to start first? Social media posts, videos, product news on your website and …
Social media – How often should you post something?
So you haven’t posted anything on social media last week, or the last two weeks. Because you got the flu, were too busy with your clients or were recovering from …