Yes! There is a magic formula
Great! You want to make sure your business, your company stands out! By writing incredible texts. And that really isn’t that hard. Just a matter of knowing the magic formula, how to use it in different ways and which media to use.
Online training
You’ll be able to share your passion and knowledge in no-time with the online training Communication in a Nutshell – How to Effectively Communicate your Business. In 11 steps you’ll learn how to translate strength into words. The course covers all important business texts: from press releases to newsletters people want to read and from SEO to killer headings. You’ll get access to the online communication platform for Entrepreneurs: Communication in an Nutshell. Where each of the 11 steps will be explained in a video, after which you can practice in a workbook.
Try it out for free
The online training costs € 111, – VAT included. The new training starts April 1. Early birds will receive the Communication Goal Setting Workbook and Communication Planner for free!
- Want a sneak peek? Send an email and receive the workbook for chapter 2 for free.
- Want to sign up now? Click here and get great early bird bonuses!
Orange Services

From newsletter till web texts. Your passion and knowledge translated into words.

A good translation is more than text in a different language.

Know how to find and connect with your clients.

Content management
For online text and management. Get Connected.